Cultural Connections- Directory
Your Directory to arts and culture in Southeastern CT
Community Organizations and Associations

Southeastern CT is a hub of artistic and cultural excellence and innovation. Our 500+ Partners make up a robust and vibrant creative economy that has a ripple effect on quality of life, tourism, economic development, health & wellness, and community vitality.
Cape Verdean Santiago Society Inc
In 1939, immigrants from Cape Verde came to create the Santiago Society, an ethnic social club situated in Norwich. The structure was lost to fire in 2006 and in 2022, the Society was resurrected. Our mission is to celebrate cultural diversity.
East Lyme Public Trust Foundation
The Foundation supports the Boardwalk in East Lyme and other projects in the community.
Heritage Information Radio
Welcome to community internet radio promoting the preservation and appreciation of natural, historic and creative resources. Music from a cross section of genres, educational features, humor, news and weather blend to offer an intriguing listening experience. Volunteer staff positions are available.
Higher Edge
Higher Edge gets low-income and first-generation students to and through college. We provide services for students in New London and Willimantic.
Inspiring Youth and Mentors Inc.
"Our mission is to support curious and motivated youth and mentors through adventurous programs and a variety of services."
This year our focus is on executing a one on one mentoring program, escape room, school readiness event, and group mentoring program for at risk youth.
Laura Tillinghast

I help run a town website whose goal is to supply information and spark conversation.
Norwich NAACP
Creative Ground Website
The Norwich Branch NAACP was established in 1963 to continue the work of the National Organization within Eastern Connecticut. The Norwich Branch believes the NAACP’s goals of equality, justice and civil rights for all people are still important today.
Sankofa Education and Leadership, Inc.
The mission of Sankofa Education and Leadership is to prepare, recognize and reward marginalized and under-served youth in the Greater Norwich Area Educational District in Eastern Connecticut to exemplify scholastic, artistic, technological and leadership excellence.
Southeastern Connecticut Women's Network
Southeastern Connecticut Women's Network meets on the third Wednesday of every month for luncheon. The Network provides its members and guests with an opportunity to meet business and professional people in the community to exchange general and career information.
Stonington Community Center, Inc.
The Stonington Community Center (COMO) campus includes the main building, athletic fields, racquet facilities, a children's garden, playground, pond, duBois beach, Sandy Point beach, MakerSpace, pottery studio, and Thrift shop. It provides community events, youth/adult programming, award-winning childcare and community meeting space.
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Norwich
Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religious movement characterized by a “free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” Unitarian Universalists assert no creed but are unified by a shared search for spiritual growth, guided by a dynamic “living tradition.” Sunday morning worship begins at 9:30.
Yellow Farmhouse Education Center
Yellow Farmhouse Education Center uses culinary and farm-based education to connect people to each other and to where their food comes from so that we can cultivate a shared commitment to supporting a local, sustainable food system accessible and affordable to all.
Showing 19 of 19 partners
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Creative Ground is New England’s directory of creative enterprises and artists provided by New England Foundation for the Arts. For more information or to make revisions to your Creative Ground profile, click here: New England Foundation for the Arts’ Creative Ground directory