Cultural Connections- Directory
Your Directory to arts and culture in Southeastern CT
Business Coaching for small to mid-sized businesses. Focusing on Connecticut and Rhode Island. Virtual coaching anywhere. I am a Certified Value Builder Advisor.
AMS Planning & Research Corp.
AMS is dedicated to working with arts and community leaders to develop ventures that are effective and vital. We guide feasibility studies, project development efforts, strategic planning, community cultural planning, benchmarking, and audience and market research.
Black Leaves Project
Black Leaves Project is an all-Black, all-male, queer-inclusive dance company specializing in modern ballet, highlighting the stories and perspectives of Black men in America. We explore themes related to identity and self-actualization: questions of masculinity, sexuality, religion, and race.
Blue Fire Stage Company
We are a new nonprofit theatre company in Haddam. Our mission is to build a collaborative, diverse and accepting community through the arts and arts education. We strive to cultivate a love of theatre and astound our audiences with high quality performances and theatrical experiences.
Carolyn Brodginski

The mountain dulcimer is an original American Folk instrument created by the Scots and Irish settled in Appalachia. It is a VERY easy instrument to learn how to play. Dulcimers provided for participants for this 90 minute workshop.
Cold Spring Farm
A beyond organic farm growing heirloom vegetables, herbs, flowers, and fruits, and raising beef cows, laying hens, heritage pigs, dairy goats, peacocks, dogs, kids, cats. Farm stand is open everyday, offer Summer and Winter CSA/Food Shares, 7 farmers markets/week, sell to independent grocers.
Connecticut League of History Organizations
For over 50 years, CLHO has strengthened and sustained members by sharing knowledge and experience, and promoting best practices among museums, historical societies and all who steward Connecticut's heritage collections.
Connecticut Repertory Theatre
Connecticut Repertory Theatre is the professional theatre at the University of Connecticut, affiliated with the Department of Dramatic Arts, providing entertainment for people of Eastern Connecticut, and a laboratory environment for graduate and undergraduate students to work alongside professional theatrical artists.
Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation
The Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation is a private nonprofit statewide organization dedicated to preserve the character and protect the vitality of Connecticut's historic sites through technical assistance, education, advocacy, and financial support through grants and loans.
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Creative Ground is New England’s directory of creative enterprises and artists provided by New England Foundation for the Arts. For more information or to make revisions to your Creative Ground profile, click here: New England Foundation for the Arts’ Creative Ground directory