Cultural Connections- Directory
Your Directory to arts and culture in Southeastern CT
Mystic Paper Beasts Theatre Co./Dragon's Egg
The Mystic Paper Beasts perform in hand made masks in schools, museums, festivals, offering plays, workshops, and "rovings". Their space, the Dragon's Egg, offers classes, retreats, and residencies to dance and theatre companies throughout the year.
Mystic River Chorale
Organized in 1984, the Mystic River Chorale is an auditioned, independent non-profit chorus. Singers come from throughout the region and perform classical and popular music twice yearly.
Mystic Seaport
Mystic Seaport is the nation’s leading maritime museum. Founded in 1929, the Museum is home to four National Historic Landmark vessels, including the Charles W. Morgan, America’s oldest commercial ship and the last wooden whaleship in the world.
National Coast Guard Museum, Inc.
The National Coast Guard Museum will engage visitors by honoring the courage and skill of the men and women of the United States Coast Guard.
New England Science & Sailing Foundation, Inc.
NESS is an ocean adventure nonprofit that provides STEM-based education programs, on the water. NESS uses sailing, marine science, powerboating, and adventure sports as teaching platforms. We engage everyone in experiential learning that builds confidence, teamwork, and leadership skills.
New London Community Orchestra
Provides accessible classical music performances, runs a program of free violin lessons for children, and provides free concerts for retirement communities and senior centers. The all-volunteer membership enriches the community with educational outreach as well as live classical music.
New London Landmarks
We are a historic preservation organization which promotes the preservation and development of the urban environment of New London, Connecticut, including significant individual structures, streetscapes, neighborhoods, and open spaces.
Niantic Bay Playhouse
Niantic Bay Playhouse is a community theatre located in Niantic, Connecticut, dedicated to fostering local talent and providing engaging, high quality performances.
Norwich Arts Center
Creative Ground Website
Located in downtown Norwich across from City Hall, the Norwich Arts Center has been in operation since 1987 with two galleries and a 135-seat theater. We host musical, literary, theater, dance and visual art events and classes. Rental availability.
Norwich Community Development Corp.
NCDC provides economic development services to the business community aiding in improving the vitality of Norwich, including assisting in making the region a superior location to live, work and play. Foundry66 is our CoWorking facility, meeting space and assistance center.
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Creative Ground is New England’s directory of creative enterprises and artists provided by New England Foundation for the Arts. For more information or to make revisions to your Creative Ground profile, click here: New England Foundation for the Arts’ Creative Ground directory