Connecting to the Curriculum

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Cultural Summit: Connecting to the Curriculum

Tuesday, February 23rd from 9:15 am to 11:00 am
Charter Oak Federal Credit Union’s Community Room
1055 Hartford Turnpike, Waterford
FREE (RSVP required)

Interested in learning more about how to connect with our region’s schools? This is your chance!


Connect, Collaborate, Communicate with key members of our education system, and work towards aligning our region’s educational needs with your arts and cultural resources.

Join featured guest Jacqueline Coleman, Education Consultant for the Arts at Connecticut State Board of Education, who will speak about “Arts Learning in Connecticut” followed by a group of distinguished panelists representing area public schools, regional learning institutions, and CT State Board of Education. A panel discussion will identify educational needs and share concepts on how to align unique arts and cultural resources with our schools’ curricula.

“This Cultural Summit was developed in direct response to our many arts, cultural and heritage partners who expressed a desire to be more closely connected to the schools. We are proud to offer a distinguished panel who will discuss educational needs and the integration of arts and cultural resources from the community.”

Since the inception of our Rising Tide Series, our partners have expressed a desire to be more connected to our educational institutions, including K‐12, colleges and universities. Artists, arts organization and cultural organizations are interested in connecting to the schools for audience engagement, program partnerships and to access and/or provide resources. Arts and cultural organizations often create programs for students in hopes of establishing or growing partnerships with the schools. Schools are under pressure to ensure that the curricular offerings are connected to the curriculum and enrichment opportunities are meaningful and relevant. This summit seeks to align educational needs with the resources our partners can provide.

Featured Speaker:
Jacqueline Coleman, Education Consultant for the Arts at Connecticut State Board of Education-­ “Arts Learning in Connecticut”

Featured Panelists:
Jacqueline Coleman – Education Consultant for the Arts at CT State Board of Education
Kate Ericson ‐ Director of Professional Development, LEARN
Kate Fioravanti – District Arts Supervisor, New London Public Schools
Kaitlyn O’Leary ­‐ Director of Strategic Initiatives, Norwich Pubic Schools

Liz Shapiro, Executive Director of the Connecticut League of History Organizations, will provide brief remarks about recent advances in connecting history organizations to Connecticut’s social studies curriculum.

Q and A to follow.


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