Culture Connects – A Special Event For Our Partners


CULTURE CONNECTS – an exclusive Partner event
Tuesday, September 25th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Jonathan Edwards Winery, 74 Chester Maine Road, North Stonington
$15 Partners, $25 Not Yet Partners

  • Invitation for artists, creative businesses (owners/staff), organizations (staff/board members).
  • Join us to share information about your artistry, business or organization and connect with peers from across the region!
  • Before the event, find and update your listing and/or see all of our Partners on Cultural Connections – online directory.
  • Advance tickets purchase only. (No walk-ins.)

Tickets for Partners $15 per person and Not-yet Partners $25 per person. Ticket includes 1-drink ticket. No paper tickets will be mailed or emailed. Your purchase is your reservation.

Culture Connects Tickets
Business/Org/Individual Name

Please input the name of your business/organization or, for individual artists, your name as registered with the Cultural Coalition above, then click “Add to Cart” to purchase today!


Thank you to our event sponsors: Town of North Stonington

and North Stonington Historical Society


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