Cultural Facilities: The Impact of Investment Summit on 11/10
Cultural Facilities: The Impact of Investment
November 10, 2015 from 9:15 am to 11:00 am
Charter Oak Federal Credit Union’s Community Room
1055 Hartford Turnpike, Waterford
FREE (RSVP required)
Why is investment in cultural facilities vital to our communities, region, and state? How does the quality of our cultural facilities affect programs, operations, visitor experiences, tourism, and our economy? Proactive approaches to deferred maintenance? What are the resources needed and the resources available?
From facilities planning to facility standards and sharing of referrals/experience, our panel of experts will share insight and professional knowledge about topics ranging from property management, cultural facilities standards, planning & budgeting, and the value of investment in facilities on the arts & cultural sector and, by extension, our economy.
Come Meet your Director of Culture for CT!
Special Guest: CDR Jeffrey Barta, USN, Naval History and Heritage Command, which oversees ten Navy museums nationwide
Introductory Speaker: Kristina Newman-Scott, Director of Culture, State of CT
Featured Panelists:
Kristina Newman-Scott, Director of Culture, Department of Economic & Community Development, State of CT
CT Office of the Arts, State Historic Preservation Office, Good to Great Grant Program
CDR Jeffrey Barta, USN, Deputy for Museum System Operations, Naval History and Heritage Command
(Washington D.C.)
Facilities Standards: Headquartered on the historic Washington Navy Yard, D.C., the Command includes ten official Navy museums nationwide, including the Submarine Force Library and Museum in Groton.
Ken Wilson, Director of Facilities, Mystic Seaport Museum
Facilities Care: Mystic Seaport is home to approximately 100 structures on its campus ranging from historic buildings to modern additions.
Charles Mueller, Senior Director, Centerbrook Architects & Planners
Cost Analysis & Planning: A collaborative firm with an exceptional history of building, Centerbrook performs many other services such as project management, planning, interior design, sculpture, landscape and site design, industrial design, furniture and lighting design, fund raising, and graphic design.
Panel discussion will be followed by smaller, break out groups with the panelists for audience members who wish to ask specific questions and learn more.