Cultural Connections- Directory
Your Directory to arts and culture in Southeastern CT
People's United Bank
People's United Bank is a subsidiary of People's United Financial, Inc., a diversified financial services company with over $40 billion in assets. People’s United Bank, founded in 1842, is a premier, community-based, regional bank in the Northeast offering commercial and retail banking, as well as wealth management services through a network of nearly 400 retail locations in Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
Reliance Health
Reliance Health is a non-profit, community mental health organization with a mission to enhance health through mental wellness.
Rose Arts Festival
Revival of historic festival celebrating performing and visual arts, families, and community in Norwich, the Rose City. Road race, art display, crafts and food vendors. Downtown After Dark entertainment in bars, galleries, restaurants, theaters. Sat. June 30, 2018.
Sikiu Clay Designs
As a professional ceramic artist, I can work with art dealers, galleries, interior designers, architects and art consultants. I have available work and also love creating custom commissions.
Slater Memorial Museum
The Slater Museum awakens visitors to the richness and diversity of the human experience through art and history. The Museum displays and interprets the best examples of fine and decorative art, representing a broad range of world cultures of the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa.
Small Potatoes Crafts and Gifts
Find unique gifts made by talented local artisans in our small building with big heart!
St. Jude Common

St.Jude Common is a non-profit housing facility for senior citizens. It employs one individual who is responsible for recreational programming. This individual works with local crafts people, artists and musicians to provide cultural opportunities and programming for its residents.
Tom Callinan
A full-time creative and performing artist since 1977, with dozens of inter-generational programs. A master of eliciting audience participation, Tom accompanies his rich and robust singing voice with an array of stringed, wind, + percussion instruments. Designated Connecticut's 1st Official State Troubadour in 1991.
UCFS United Community & Family Services
UCFS is a Federally Qualified Health Center with a mission to improve the health and well-being of the community. We offer medical, dental and behavioral health services. We also have an Eldercare division and large community based behavioral health department.
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Norwich
Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religious movement characterized by a “free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” Unitarian Universalists assert no creed but are unified by a shared search for spiritual growth, guided by a dynamic “living tradition.” Sunday morning worship begins at 9:30.
Yantic River Inn
WebsiteA landmark restaurant serving meals and beverages with live entertainment nightly.
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Creative Ground is New England’s directory of creative enterprises and artists provided by New England Foundation for the Arts. For more information or to make revisions to your Creative Ground profile, click here: New England Foundation for the Arts’ Creative Ground directory