Norwich ARPA Round 2 Grants Now Open

Now closed. Deadline was February 28, 2023.

The Cultural Coalition has partnered with the City of Norwich to manage and administer municipal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds allocated for arts & culture, including through grant programs and special projects.

The program is funded with $500,000 of the City of Norwich American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allocation of funds and is intended to support investments that help our local economy continue to address Covid-19 impact and recovery.





Up to $150,000 will be available for Round 2 funding through two options:

Previous Norwich ARPA Awardees
May Apply For Either
New Applicants
●      Grants for Arts & Culture for separate, different projects/programs from previous ARPA use of funds.

●      Impact Grants to amplify/expand Round 1 ARPA project/program’s use of funds.

●      An applicant can only be the LEAD on one application for either Grants for Arts & Culture or Impact Grants.

●      An entity may be listed or a collaborator on more than one application.

Grant application deadline: February 28, 2023

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