Cultural Summit: Tapping Into the Creative Economy

Rising Tide-05RED

Cultural Summits bring will bring together regional leaders and experts for informative panel discussions, presentations and educational forums.

Economic Development: Tapping Into the Creative Economy
September 29, 2015 from 9:15 am to 11:00am
Charter Oak Federal Credit Union’s Community Room
1055 Hartford Turnpike, Waterford

At the heart of the creative economy are the cultural and creative industries that lie at the crossroads of arts, culture, business and technology. Featuring four models in our region, this summit will demonstrate the value that the creative industries have to municipalities, developers, and economic development planning.
Featured Developments/Panelists:

  • 38 Green Street, New London/Michael Blair
  • Velvet Mill, Stonington/Morgan King of Poor Morgan and Aaren Simoncini of Beer’d Brewing Co.
  • Norwich Creates arts collaborative and Norwich Heritage Groups/Mayor Deberey Hinchey, City of Norwich and Jason Vincent, Norwich Community Development Corporation
  • Mystic Knotwork, Mystic/Matthew Beaudoin

To rsvp, click here.

To submit a question for the panel discussion, click here.

Next Summit: Cultural Facilities Management, November 10, 2015
Details coming soon!

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