CT Artist Fellowship Program – Drop-in Zoom hour for Eastern CT Artists

The Artist Fellowship Program provides recognition and funding support for Connecticut artists to pursue new work and advance their artistic careers.

Fellowship awards provide recognition and funding support for Connecticut artists to pursue new work and advance their artistic careers. The program provides grants in the amount of $1,000, $3,000 and $5,000 based on award designations.

The application deadline is October 17, 2022 and the program is open to all artistic disciplines. Learn more about Artist Fellowship Program on the CT Office of the Arts website.

CT Artist Fellowship Program – Drop-in Zoom hour for Eastern CT Artists
Tuesday, October 4  from 5:00 to 6:00pm via Zoom
Register for Zoom link and reminders HERE.

Bring your questions and join other artists to learn more about the application and review process for the Artist Fellowship Program. Program Manager, Tamara Dimitri from the Connecticut Office of the Arts will be available to answer questions and engage in conversations about the program.

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