Norwich Public Art Committee

The City of Norwich Public Art Committee (NPAC) is an ad hoc committee formed to support the Cultural Coalition’s administration of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds from the City of Norwich for investment in arts and culture.

List of Committee Members:
Angela Adams, Greater Norwich Area Chamber of Commerce
Ashon Avent, Artist
Bobbie Braboy, Global City Norwich/NCDC
Michael David Brathwaite, Artist
Kevin Brown, NCDC
Tracey Burto, Norwich City Council
Lashawn Cunningham, Blooming Into Greatness
Dan Daniska, Norwich City Planning
Carin Estey, Artist
Sheila Hayes, Sankofa Education and Leadership
Swaranjit Singh Khalsa, Norwich City Council & Sikh Art Gallery
Pat McLaughlin, Norwich Public Works
Regan Miner, Norwich Historical Society
Grant Neuendorf, Norwich City Council
Peter Nystrom, Mayor of City of Norwich
Simone Oliva, Norwich Public Utilities
Deanna Rhodes, Norwich City Planning
Chris Riley, Norwich Public Utilities
Lavanya Shubhakar, Artist
Samson Tonton, Artist

Kia Baird, Cultural Coalition
Sarbani Hazra, Cultural Coalition
Deb Mathiasen, Cultural Coalition
Wendy Vincent, Cultural Coalition


Project: Agreement on Values to Guide Public Art Program in the City of Norwich
The Norwich Public Art Committee recommends that the following values be embodied and encouraged by the City of Norwich for its Public Art Program and Public Art Collection.
NPAC Public Art Program VALUES Final 2.27.23


Project: Public Art located at Franklin Square Roundabout
Request for Concepts (RFC)  Due Friday, Sept. 8, 2023

Mid September-October 2023 – Concept submissions evaluated.
November 2023 – Notification of artists selected to move ahead with the full proposal process.
February 2024 – Full proposals (3) received by City of Norwich.
March-April 2024 – City of Norwich reviews full proposals and makes final selection (to be approved by City Council).
Spring to Fall 2024 – Public Art installation with completion by end of 2024.

If you have any questions or need additional information about NPAC, please email
Sarbani Hazra at