Electric Boat Employee Survey



New London Roundtable: Launched by the Southeastern CT Cultural Coalition, the roundtable is a monthly meeting of New London cross sector stakeholders representing arts & culture, business, community, City, and educational representatives. The purpose of the roundtable is to share relevant information and updates; bring projects to the table for collective brainstorming, collaborative opportunities, and support; and to help set and accomplish goals and priorities for the City of New London.

Survey Origins: In May of 2016, a meeting of the New London Roundtable featured Thomas Plante, Director of Strategic Planning, Electric Boat and Kristina Newman-Scott, Director of Culture, State of CT, Department of Economic & Community Development. Mr. Plante presented the robust hiring of thousands and expansion needed to support Electric Boat’s submarine design and building plans. Ms. Newman-Scott spoke of the value of the arts and cultural community as an economic driver and its ability to help attract and retain employees. Of interest to the Roundtable was to better understand the needs and desires of the employees, including recently hired millennials. The outcome was to conduct a survey of Electric Boat employees.

Purpose: To gather information from Electric Boat employees about the types of businesses and recreational activities that are of interest, including arts & culture. Questions were focused on understanding employees’ use of time when not working and geared towards activities in the City of New London.

Distribution: Southeastern CT Cultural Coalition prepared the survey questions and hosted the online survey. Electric Boat executives provided input and approval. Survey was distributed through Electric Boat’s Human Resources to all employees on all campuses (approx. 10,000 recipients working in New London, Groton, RI). Survey sent on Sept. 15th and open for three weeks.

Response: 1,554 survey responses with representation across all age groups and over 3,200 comments providing further insight and details.


SURVEY RESULTS (INSIGHTS & ANALYSIS)- PDF of Powerpoint Presentation

Coalition Releases Survey Results- What businesses and recreation would EB employees like in New London- The Day