June PopUps Partner Check Ins on Zoom






June PopUps Partner Check Ins on Zoom
Wednesdays from noon to 1pm

A new series of themed weekly PopUp Conversations on Zoom for our creative community! Join us to discuss and share your thoughts, ideas and plans! Register for one or more of our FREE June meetings below.

June 3rd – Participating in Virtual Make Music Day Southeastern CT

Musicians of all abilities can find out how to join in the global celebration of music on June 21 in new, creative, and social distanced ways. Learn more about national projects including Live From Home, Bedroom Studios and Window Serenades. Hear about promotion and schedule of registered online performances via the Make Music Southeastern CT website.

June 10th – Reopening Spaces and Re-capturing Audiences

What can we learn from those who have reopened already? How will your venue, performances and activities need to change? How will you manage your events and facility with social distancing still in place?

Here are the COVID-19 Operating Guidelines for Connecticut’s Arts & Culture Industry

June 17th – Reopening Spaces and Re-capturing Audiences

On the day of the planned Phase 2 reopening, how will you manage your events and facility under the new guidelines? What can we learn from those who have reopened already? Will you remain unopen due to your own decision or because you are in Phase 3 or beyond?

To register to participate, click HERE so you can receive the zoom link and password.

June 24th – How Are You Doing?

Status of Recovery? Steps toward Reopening? Planning for Fall and beyond?
We will address partner questions and the timely topics of the week.

To register to participate, click HERE so you can receive the zoom link and password.





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